How to draw a wrestling knee pad

How To Draw A Wrestling Knee Pads | An Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial

Wrestling knee pads are crucial protective accessories wrestlers wear to guard their knees against impact and abrasions during matches and training. Typically constructed from durable and flexible materials like neoprene or spandex, these pads feature strategic padding around the knee area to absorb shocks and reduce the risk of injuries. The design ensures complete coverage of the kneecap and surrounding regions, extending down to the upper part of the shin and up to the lower part of the thigh. 

Wrestlers prioritize a secure and snug fit, often incorporating features like elastic bands, straps, or silicone grips to prevent slippage during dynamic movements. Lightweight and flexible, wrestling knee pads offer protection without compromising the wrestler’s agility, enabling them to perform a wide range of maneuvers with ease.

Steps Complexity level
Draw the outline3
Draw the elastic lines 2
Draw the foam guard2
Complexity table

What you will need

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Eraser (optional)
  • Colors 
How To Draw A Wrestling Knee Pads
Complete Process

How to draw wrestling knee pads

Just standard printer paper, construction paper or a sketchpad will do, along with drawing pencils. An eraser can assist with tweaking, but it isn’t essential. Simple, accessible supplies allow all skill levels to envision unique wrestler gear. Reference photos of actual pads can provide helpful inspiration, too. The most vital ingredient is a willingness to explore this artistic concept!

How To Draw A Wrestling Knee Pads
Our steps

Step 1: Draw the Outline

Start sketching your wrestler’s knee pad by lightly outlining the shape using spare, gestural lines as we drew in a volleyball knee pad. Draw a rounded rectangle form – broader at the top, more narrowly tapered at the bottom. This creates the flat frontal-facing side of the pad. Add edge lines that protrude outwards on both left and right sides, then curve back inwards to create side flaps that wrap the place around the knee joint.

How To Draw A Wrestling Knee Pads
Drawing the outline

Keep lines smooth and sweeping; knee pads contour smoothly around forms they protect. The side flaps should appear partially folded forward over the front plane to show dimension. Leave negative space in the middle section for adding cushioning layers next. Refine your outlines until you have a proportionate pad body.

  • Lightly sketch rounded rectangle with protruding side wrap-around flaps
  • Make side planes appear partially folded over the front
  • Leave open middle area for cushions next

Step 2: Draw the Elastic Lines

Knee pads require secure fit anchoring to stay safely in place during intense contact athletics. So next, we’ll add structural elements that serve this function. Near the top and bottom edges of your outlined pad, lightly sketch curving elastic band lines. These represent flexible sleeve openings that stretch to hold position.

How To Draw A Wrestling Knee Pads
Drawing the elastic lines

Make sure to follow the preexisting contours smoothly. Consider varying line weights slightly thicker at the edges to imply bands raised in relief off the surface. Float quick outline shapes for metal clasp dots to finish off realistically functional competitive closure mechanisms ready for combat!

  • Sketch evenly spaced elastic band lines around top and bottom perimeters
  • Use slightly thicker lines at borders to suggest raised relief
  • Add light clasps/closure dots for realism

Step 3: Draw the Foam Guard

Apart from impact protection, wrestling knee pads also prevent abrasions and friction burns as wrestlers make contact with the mat or engage in sliding movements. In organized wrestling competitions, compliance with specific rules and regulations regarding protective gear, including knee pads. Overall, wrestling knee pads are not only practical for injury prevention but are considered standard and integral equipment for wrestlers at various levels of the sport, ensuring the safety and well-being of athletes during the physically demanding nature of wrestling matches and training sessions.

Now to embed impact-absorbing cushioning, the essential knee pad protective ingredient! Begin shading into the open middle section you left bare earlier. Lightly layer organic foam bubble shapes using flowing lines with varied gaps. Build up gradating layers of geometric cushion forms ranging from small to large scales.

How To Draw A Wrestling Knee Pads
Drawing the foam guard

Vary the outlines and shaded textures to heighten dimension as they stack towards us in space. Keep the center area visually busier than outer zones to imply internal density. Float some quick shadowed folds behind front bubbles to push that directional depth. Add a few jagged compression crease lines for a well-worn look!

  • Fill the open middle with shaded layered organic bubble cushion forms
  • Use size/texture variation and central clustering to heighten depth
  • Include background compressed folds and creases

Step 4: The Wrestling Knee Pads is ready

The wrestling knee pad is ready. You did an excellent job. You created your wrestling knee pad to be used by a wrestler, and we’re sure you followed every instruction. You can use a marker to outline the drawing to make it stand out. To improve the appearance, we will remove the pencil marks after tracing. 

How To Draw A Wrestling Knee Pads
Drawing is complete

The actual fun is about to start. We are going to improve and add authenticity to our drawing. Can you produce a more refined picture with your creativity and imagination?

Taking your Wrestling Knee Pads to the next level

Like any other skill, sketching requires practice. Set aside time each day to sketch, even if it’s only for a little while. Be mindful of your surroundings. This enhances comprehension of details, dimensions, and forms. You can start with the basics and work up to more complex topics. Experiment with different drawing tools like charcoal, colored pencils, watercolors, markers, and pencils. Every medium has unique characteristics that could help you identify your preferences.

You can also play with basic hatching, blending, shading, and cross-hatching techniques. Understanding these techniques will greatly enhance the complexity and realism of your drawings. When you’re drawing, use your imagination and try out new concepts. 

Adding Background

To make your illustrated knee pads stand out, strategically position them against the suggestion of an active wrestling context. For example, lightly sketch outlines of a mat textured flooring beneath hovering pad shapes. Fade blurred athletic legs and shoes behind to imply in-action movement. Simple forms like gestural hands grappling pad details can accentuate perspective depth through partial overlap. Do this minimally without distraction from the central pad’s focus. Allow generous negative space around the pad’s composition for impact.

Adding Color

When painting your wrestling accessories artwork, use bold color combinations to make those protective pads dynamically eye-catching. For example, color the primary cushioned foam forms bright championship gold against deep-shadowed purple recesses. Make the wrapped brand logo and side panel pop vibrant red for recognition. Alternate the tension bands between tone-on-tone grey and bright white for depth contrast. Surround colors can be more excellent green, blue or black mat textures to recede behind those striking foreground gear colors proudly displaying your concept creation!

How To Draw A Wrestling Knee Pads
Adding color

Bonus Tips

Personalize your wrestling pads further with custom embellishments or speciality treatments that give them personality. For example, add metallic sheens, crazy camouflage patterns, or cracking texture effects like a heroic battle-worn trophy case. Sketch your symbol or catch phrase graffiti-style across areas. Consider drawing them at intense perspective angles or macro closeup views for added visual dynamics. Custom concept pads showcase your imagination!


As explored in this demonstration, fundamentally constructing then elaborating wrestling gear opens up many artistic possibilities. Mastering the methods at each stage grants both technical and creative confidence to then customize pieces like pads reflecting individuality. Let this guide empower you to embark on crafting your very own signature wrestling accessories collection bursting with an enriched backstory!

How to draw a wrestling knee pad

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This guide explains how to draw a wrestling knee pad, a protective gear used during wrestling.

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